Other jerky brands you find in your local super market and at the gas station counter are mass produced at factories. We still make our jerky the old fashioned way – with our hands.

Over 60 years
If something ain’t broke then we think you should keep doin’ it. Our customers tell us they’ve never had better beef jerky, so we’ve been making our jerky recipes the same way for a very long time – for more than 60 years.
Gotta act fast!
Our beef jerky sells out almost as fast as we can cook it. While we are cooking multiple times a day throughout the week, you might want to place your order today so we can cook your jerky up soon.
“ Been buying it for 30 years. The best. "

Check out our jerky
While a great way to experience our incredible beef jerky is to visit the us at store, if you place an order online we can send our tasty beef jerky right to your mailbox.